Stellar Window Cleaning
Stellar Services
• Window Cleaning
• Demineralization
• High Rise Services
• Stellar Advantage

No subject is more controversial than mineral stains on glass. Many buildings have a mineral stain problem which is kept to a minimum by having the windows washed on a regular schedule. Windows stain because the surface of glass contains micropores, in which tiny drops of water containing dissolved minerals can lodge. Hard water spots are created when water is not immediately removed from glass. As the water dries, mineral deposits are left and in time they build up and discolor the window leaving them white and spotted. Mineral deposits are also found on buildings that have pre-cast concrete panels above any glass. Deposits are also found on buildings that have pre-cast concrete panels above any glass.

Rainwater is absorbed into the pre-cast panels and then the water runs down on the windows and leaves deposits of calcium and other minerals.

There are various methods for removing mineral deposits, our process is lengthy but very safe and effective. Mineral deposits are removed with fine rubbing pads and different rubbing compounds. Upon removing mineral deposits, a sealer can be applied to the windows to minimize the re-occurrence of water spots — the sealer must be monitored and periodically re-applied. Our window cleaning technicians are highly experienced in removing mineral deposits.

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